I am a 35-year-old medical professional. One and one-half years ago, due to severe distress in my professional and personal lives, I suddenly experienced bouts of supraventricular tachycardia (fast heartbeat), which forced me into the emergency room every two months over a six-month period. My average heart rate would be 230 beats per minute. This condition was life threatening, and after my third episode, I was referred to the chief of cardiology at the largest hospital in town. After a thorough evaluation, it was conc/uded that I was not suffering from 11anxiety1 11 but a primary electrical problem with my heart and the supraventricular tachycardia could occur anytime.
Therefore, he recommended a surgical procedure called cardiac ablation. This procedure involved the insertion of catheters into my subclavian and femoral arteries, threading them to the sinus and atrioventricular nodal regions of the heart. A DC current would cauterize certain regions of the heart theorized to be the cause of this aberrant electrical circuit. Although this procedure was definitely indicated, I was too weakened from my recent bout with tachycardia to consider immediate surgery. I, therefore, resolved to improve my health by strengthening myself nutritionally with vitamins, minerals and herbal and homeopathie formulas.
My research led me to your cardiovascular health program. Your formulation was specific to my health needs, and it saved me much time considering I would have purchased many bottles of isolated ingredients that are all found in your program. Therefore, I embarked on a religious program of supplementation of the essential nutrients you recommended. lt has been one and onehalf years since my last episode. I have increased energy and little to no chest pain. J look and feel much better. I attribute my success and health to your program.