I am excited to teil you of my experience. I am a 60-year-old female who has fought hypertension for the past 20 years with many different types of medications, which would work for a whi/e, then become ineffective and start giving me problems. In November of 19931 new symptoms began for which I was referred to a cardiologist who determined I was welf on my way to a pacemaker. He decided not to treat this aggressively, but instead, through medication. I have avoided surgery. In February of this year, / began experiencing pro/onged bouts of tachycardia and was prescribed new, additional medication. In March, I was introduced to your cardiovascular vitamin program. Although I was skeptical, I decided to give it a try. l’ve Just started my third month on your nutrient program, and I have been able to reduce my blood pressure medication by one-third. The episodes of tachycardia have decreased dramatically, both in intensity and duration. lf an episode occurs, it is almost insignificant. At the same time, I have a/so noted a dramatic effect in that my ank/es are no Jonger swel/ing at the end of a workday. Following my last lab work, my doctor told me, 11Your numbers look like someone half your age. 11 Needless to say, I am a staunch believer in your vitamin program.