Micronutrient synergy can help in asthma

Micronutrient synergy can help in asthma   With slight seasonal variations, many people of all ages suffer from asthma attacks throughout the year. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases, affecting 7 million children and 32 million adults in the United States. Worldwide 235 million people have asthma and the related deaths reach…

Sinergia di micronutrienti utile per l’asma

Sinergia di micronutrienti utile per l’asma   Molte persone di ogni età soffrono di attacchi d’asma, con lievi variazioni stagionali. L’asma è una delle malattie croniche più comuni e colpisce 7 milioni di bambini e 32 milioni di adulti solo negli Stati Uniti. Nel mondo 235 milioni di persone soffrono di  questa malattia che provoca 180.000 decessi all’anno.   Sintomi Un attacco d’asma…

Dr. Rath Forschungsinstitut

Dr. Rath Forschungsinstitut   Dr. Rath Forschungsinstitut gilt als Vorreiter auf dem Gebiet der wissenschaftlich begründeten Naturheilforschung. Die Ergebnisse der mehr als 10-jährigen eigenen Forschungsarbeit des Wissenschaftsteams um Dr. Rath und Dr. Niedzwiecki sind in zahlreichen unabhängigen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht worden.   Neues Verständnis von Krankheiten Die Forschungsarbeiten dieses Instituts bestätigten ein neues Verständnis über…

Hautkrebs – Information zur natürlichen Kontrolle

Information zur natürlichen Kontrolle von Hautkrebs   Hautkrebs ist eine der häufigsten Krebsarten in den USA und anderen Industrieländern. Alleine in den USA werden jährlich 3,5 Millionen neue Hautkrebs-Erkrankungen diagnostiziert. Bis heute gibt es keine wirksames Heilmittel gegen diese Krankheit.   Traurige Statistik Laut aktueller Statistiken erkrankt einer von 5 Menschen in den USA an…

Press release: “Micronutrients inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and all of its alpha, beta, gamma, delta, kappa and Mµ variants”

Press release: Breakthrough in coronavirus research confirmed “Micronutrients inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and all of its alpha, beta, gamma, delta, kappa and Mµ variants” 11 February, 2022. San Jose, CA. The world has taken a major step forward in the search for a scientifically proven, side-effect-free way to combat the COVID-19 pandemic over the long term. Scientists…

Scientific publications on the key mechanisms of coronavirus infections

Scientific publications on the key mechanisms of coronavirus infections The team of researchers at the Dr. Rath Research Institute established that specific combinations of micronutrients are able to significantly inhibit all known key mechanisms of coronavirus infections. These findings were the basis of several scientific research publications, including in peer-reviewed journals, which are linked below.…

Clinical studies with micronutrients

Important clinical studies with micronutrients The call by Dr. Rath and Dr. Pauling for an international effort to eliminate heart disease was followed by tens of thousands of scientific and clinical publications over the past three decades. Following is a selection of important placebo-controlled, clinical studies supporting the role of micronutrients in the prevention and…

PRESS RELEASE: Placebo-controlled clinical study documents that Vitamin C greatly reduces mortality in patients at life-threatening stage of COVID-19: Effective, safe, and readily available way to help control the global pandemic

Vitamin C crystals under the microscope PRESS RELEASE: Placebo-controlled clinical study documents that Vitamin C greatly reduces mortality in patients at life-threatening stage of COVID-19 Effective, safe, and readily available way to help control the global pandemic A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical intervention study in patients at advanced stages of COVID-19 has documented that high-dose vitamin…