O mundo está à beira da Terceira Guerra Mundial. Esta guerra será travada com armas nucleares e poderá sinalizar o fim da civilização como a conhecemos hoje.

A medida mais importante para evitar tal guerra é compreender as forças econômicas motrizes por trás das guerras mundiais anteriores, a Primeira e a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O número de vidas civis e militares perdidas nestas duas guerras já ultrapassa, juntas, 100 milhões. As consequências econômicas e sociais desta força ainda hoje podem ser sentidas.

Este site nos mostra o véu enganoso que as guerras mundiais anteriores foram causadas por impérios europeus rivais ou por ódio racial e étnico. Como este website documenta em registros autênticos, ambas as guerras foram o resultado direto e imediato das corporações químicas/farmacêuticas alemãs, ou seja, BAYER, BASF e HOECHST, que buscavam o domínio mundial para seus gigantescos mercados globais de drogas sintéticas e produtos químicos patenteados.

Em 1925, estas empresas alemãs formaram a maior confiança farmacêutica química do mundo, o Cartel IG Farben. Como revelam os registros do Tribunal de Crimes de Guerra de Nuremberg, o IG Farben Cartel foi o maior doador para a ascensão de Hitler e do partido nazista e para a transformação da democracia alemã em uma ditadura, para a preparação técnica e logística da Alemanha para a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A IG Farben forneceu à Wehrmacht alemã 100% de todos os explosivos para uma guerra mundial de seis anos – para que a relativamente pequena nação da Alemanha governasse o mundo.

Após a conquista militar do mundo, um dos principais instrumentos econômicos para manter esse controle teria sido as patentes, uma ferramenta legal que atribuiria a propriedade de dezenas de milhares de produtos sintéticos a essas corporações alemãs. Isto teria significado pagamentos involuntários de tributo por centenas de milhões de consumidores em todo o mundo por mais de 50% de todos os produtos que eles usam durante um dia normal, incluindo todas as drogas farmacêuticas e vacinas – mas também plásticos, cores, tecidos sintéticos, borracha sintética, fertilizantes, pesticidas e milhares de outros produtos domésticos e técnicos.

O diretor da maior empresa farmacêutica do mundo, Fritz Ter Meer, diretor da BAYER, foi condenado em 1948 durante o Tribunal de Crimes de Guerra de Nuremberg (Caso VI) à prisão por genocídio, escravidão e outros crimes contra a humanidade.

Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, estes interesses corporativos gastaram bilhões de dólares para esconder seu passado criminoso com um único objetivo: poder fazer a terceira tentativa de conquista mundial, por meios políticos, econômicos e militares.

Hoje, o negócio de investimentos farmacêuticos se espalhou da Alemanha para um punhado de outros países que detêm essencialmente o monopólio de suas drogas e vacinas patenteadas e dominam a saúde das pessoas em mais de 150 países do mundo. Os escritórios de coordenação política para estes interesses são a comissão de Bruxelas da UE, liderada pela política alemã não eleita, Ursula von der Leyen, e a Casa Branca dos EUA, com seu Chefe de Gabinete Ron Klain, um antigo lobista de investimentos farmacêuticos, sendo o “homem forte” por trás de Joe Biden.

Este site fornece documentos históricos que devem entrar em todas as escolas e em todos os livros de história. Acima de tudo, as informações aqui documentadas têm como objetivo evitar a iminente Terceira Guerra Mundial.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana

This is a unique website for people and scholars alike. On the basis of historical documents, we expose the pharmaceutical investment business as the greatest threat to world peace for more than a century. Moreover, for people interested in understanding the geopolitical events of today, it will be an invaluable resource center.


The German chemical/pharmaceutical industry’s attempt at world conquest during the 20th century

This website sets the records straight about the biggest fake news in recorded history. The history textbooks teach us that World War I was a “clash of superpowers” at the beginning of the 20th century. They also teach us that World War II, one generation later, was initiated by a group of psychopaths in Berlin and carried out by millions of blindfolded German puppets. The truth is much more straightforward: both wars were attempts by the giant German chemical/pharmaceutical corporations at world conquest. Without the technical, financial, and logistical support of these corporations, neither of these wars would ever have taken place.

  • The complete set of documents from Case VI can be accessed on the Profit Over Life website, above.An authoritative summary was published in the book “OMGUS”.
  • The driving economic force behind the “Brussels EU”
    After the two military attempts at world conquest, World War I and World War II, on behalf of the German chemical/pharmaceutical corporations, had failed, they did not give up on this plan. As chief economic and political architects of the so-called “Brussels EU”, they were seeking the same goals as the infamous “Nazi/IG FARBEN coalition” [Indictment by U.S. prosecutor Telford Taylor in Nuremberg]. These goals were the economic and political control over Europe and – from that platform – the third attempt at the economic conquest of the world. Today, the “Brussels EU” functions as the politburo for coordinating the global interests of the German pharmaceutical and chemical companies.

  • A summary of the dark roots of the “Brussels EU” is documented in the book shown above.
  • An entire library, documenting these roots and the economic and political goals of the Nazi/IG FARBEN coalition for Europe and the World, can be accessed in the books shown above.


The German pharmaceutical/chemical industry’s attempt at world conquest during the 21st century

The beginning of the 21st century has been characterized by a systematic replacement of patented pharmaceutical drugs by science-based natural health approaches. This explosion of knowledge in non-patentable natural health threatens the very foundation of a multitrillion-dollar investment business whose return on investment (ROI) is dependent on patentability.

It is therefore no surprise that these special interests and their lobbyists in politics, media and medicine are abusing the current pandemic in an attempt to reverse this development and to secure the future of their questionable business model – even against the will of the people.

The driving force behind this heinous strategy are those countries with the highest economic benefit from continuing this pharmaceutical export business. Currently, the health and welfare of almost 200 nations in the world is determined by a handful of pharmaceutical export nations. Leading among them is Germany with almost 20 percent of global drug exports, the total Brussels EU coordinating roughly three quarters of such exports, followed by the U.S. The current policies of these countries are, therefore, all determined by the overall goal to secure the continuation and expansion of the multitrillion-dollar drug investment business. This includes political measures to pave the way for global vaccine marketing strategies, as well as military threats against countries not willing to be subjugated to these interests.


Securing the continuation of the pharmaceutical investment business under a global corporate dictatorship

In many countries of the world, the gradual abolition of human rights during the current pandemic has been compared to events that took place eight decades ago, when democracy in Germany was replaced by a dictatorship. This comparison – which had devastating consequences for the world – has been vilified by the lobbyists of the pharmaceutical investment business.

Above, we document a book written by an eyewitness to the gradual conversion of all sectors of German society and their subjugation under a fateful coalition of corporate greed and political power.

We leave it up to you, as you read this book, to make a judgement about any historical parallels.

The German governments of the 21st century are no Nazis – but they serve the very same economic interests that brought the Nazis to power and provided them the economic, technical, and logistical support to conduct World War II – the German pharmaceutical/chemical industry.


Das neue Europa: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/das_neue_europa_1
Das wirtschaftliche Gesicht Europas: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/das_wirtschaftliche_gesicht_europas
Das Reich der niederen Dämonen: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/das_reich_der_niederen_d_monen
Der Weg zur völkischen Wirtschaft, europäischen Großraumwirtschaft und gerechten Weltordnung: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/der_weg_zur_v_lkischen
Deutsche Großraumwirtschaft: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/deutsche_gro_raumwirtschaft
Die “Neuordnung” Europas: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/die_neuordnung_europas
Europäische Grossraumwirtschaft: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/europ_ische_grossraumwirtschaft
IG Farben – Erzeugnisse unserer Arbeit: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/ig_farben_-_erzeugnisse_unserer_arbeit_en
Generals in Grey Suits: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/generals_in_grey_suits_en
Nationale Wirtschaftsordnung und Grossraumwirtschaft 1941: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/1941-_nationale_wirts
Nationale Wirtschaftsordnung und Grossraumwirtschaft 1942: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/nationale_wirtschafts
O.M.G.U.S. Englisch: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/omgus_englisch
Probleme des europäischen Grosswirtschaftsraumes: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/probleme_des_europ_is
Weltwende: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/weltwende
Wirtschaftsbeobachtung und Wirtschaftsordnung: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/wirtschaftsbeobachtung_und_wirtschaftsordnung
Wirtschaftsraum Europa: https://issuu.com/drrath/docs/wirtschaftsraum_europa